2015 Breeding Season Begins

I am very excited to be in the full swing of the 2015 breeding season for Midget White turkeys here on the farm.  I have established two breeding groups:  Group 1 contains the best male from 2012 and a second male that is the best of my 2013 birds along with twelve of the best females from my 2014 hatch.  Group 2 consists of two really spectacular males from my 2014 hatching and the best twelve females from my 2012 and 2013 hatches.  The first batch of eggs from these groups had a fertility of 75% and 84% respectively, the second batch was 90%+ from both groups.  Hatching eggs ordered from me will be 50/50 from each pen and individually marked on each egg.   We are shipping eggs out each Monday and Tuesday.  Cheers, Mike